ID NameShowE-mail addressUserIDAdministrator  
98Adrian WilsonThe Music Boxrams-lapsed-0l@icloud.comAdrian W  Edit  Delete
40Alan HodgettsAlan Hodgettsgrooverontheradio@gmail.comAlan H  Edit  Delete
7Andy BrooksAndy Brooksandybrooks71@gmail.comAndy B  Edit  Delete
51Andy SennittAndy Sennittandy.sennitt@ziggo.nlAndy S  Edit  Delete
31Anne HondemaNone Anne H  Edit  Delete
97Barry PalmerBarry P  Edit  Delete
70BenteSchedulerbenlat@online.noBente  Edit  Delete
18Bill EverattBill Everattbilleveratt@hotmail.comBill E  Edit  Delete
66Chris BentChris Bchrisb@towardtheunknownregion.comChris B  Edit  Delete
78Chris CooperChris Cooperpirate.mould@gmail.comCooper  Edit  Delete
4Chris KennedyChris Kennedymarkq43@gmail.comChris K  Edit  Delete
2Dave FoxTues/Weddavefoxnl@gmail.comDave Fox  Edit  Delete
92David FinniganDavid F  Edit  Delete
68David YoungDave Collinsd.young@brusselstimes.comDavid Y  Edit  Delete
88Debbie AshmoreDebbie Ashmoredashmore48@gmail.comDebbie A  Edit  Delete
80Duncan BarkesDuncan Barkesduncanbarkes@hotmail.comDuncan B  Edit  Delete
14Eddy MannEddy Manneddymann30@yahoo.comEddy M  Edit  Delete
20Garry LeeOverflowjingles@online.noGarry L  Edit  Delete
94Gavin DonnellyGavin Donnellygavd@rocketmail.comGavin D  Edit  Delete
79Geoff Rogersnonegeoff@geoffrogers.comGeoff  Edit  Delete
23Gerrit-Jan BloeminkSymfomania Rock Showsymfomania@xs4all.nlGertjan B  Edit  Delete
8Glen BathgateGlen BathgateGordonBathgate@aol.comGlen B  Edit  Delete
99HarryHarry norcliffehlc@proton.meHarry N  Edit  Delete
86Howard CopitchRock Your Sox Offhowardcopitch845@gmail.comHoward C  Edit  Delete
62Jack RaatsGeen Jack R  Edit  Delete
91Jamie DonnellyJamie Donnellyjamie-donnelly@sky.comJamie D  Edit  Delete
101Jim BorlandJim B  Edit  Delete
59Jim RichmanJim RichmanJimrichman@aol.comJim R  Edit  Delete
82Keith RogersKeith R  Edit  Delete
10MandyMandyMandy@mandymarton.comMandy  Edit  Delete
96Mark HimselfMark Himselfmarkyhunx@gmail.comMark H  Edit  Delete
84Mark QuinnMark Quinnmark@highwire.ieMark Q  Edit  Delete
35Mark WhallMark Whallseagullmusiconair@gmail.comMark W  Edit  Delete
65Martin O`BrienMartin O`Brienmartin@radioseagull.comObrien M  Edit  Delete
93NonstopNonstopjingles@online.noAI  Edit  Delete
30NonstopNonstop nonstop  Edit  Delete
75Norman BarringtonThe Best of The Norman Barrington Programnb@normanb.netNormanB  Edit  Delete
83Olly KinvigOlly Kinvigollykinvig@outlook.comOlly K  Edit  Delete
77Paul BedfordPaul Bedfordpbedford1012@gmail.comPaul B  Edit  Delete
22Paul StilesUK Blues S  Edit  Delete
53Paul van GelderPaul van Gelderpaulvangelder88@gmail.comPaulvG  Edit  Delete
90Pete RosendaalPete Rosendaalpeter.rosendaal@outlook.comPete R  Edit  Delete
81Rick MarksRick M  Edit  Delete
43Roger DavisRoger Davisbritainradio@hotmail.comRoger D  Edit  Delete
100Seagull ArchiveSeagull Archivea.a.hondema@home.nlArchive  Edit  Delete
28Sietse BrouwerSietse Brouwermikespenser@hotmail.comSietse B  Edit  Delete
61Steve EssexSteve Essexwatts133@btinternet.comSteve E  Edit  Delete
9Stevie GordonStevie Gordonjingles@online.noStevie G  Edit  Delete
72VariousReelin' Back The Yearsgordonbathgate@aol.comVarious  Edit  Delete